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日期:2019年04月02日     作者:     来源:      点击:[]




开展1)电力扰动分析与控制,2)宽频振荡广域监测、溯源与抑制,3) 非线性控制


email, 地址:望江校区基础教学楼b104      


担任ieee transactions on power delivery, ieee open access journal of power and energy, protection and control of modern power systems, energy conversion and economics, 工程科学与技术等期刊编委。

担任四川大学电能质量省级重点实验室常务副主任、四川省电机工程学会城市供用电专委会副主任、ieee pes 保护控制技术委员会(中国)电网运行控制分委会常务理事、新能源电力系统四川省青年科技创新研究团队核心成员、中国电机工程学会风电可靠性学组核心成员、ieee-pes task force on harmonics modeling and simulation工作组成员。























[1] 暂态扰动激励下交直流系统谐波振荡动态过程刻画与失稳机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2022.1-2025.12

[2] 基于动态阻抗量测的风电系统次同步谐振扰动源定位研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2020.1-2022.12

[3] 四川交直流复杂电网谐波振荡机理与失稳风险研究,四川省科技厅应用基础面上项目,主持,2022.1-2023.12

[4] 新能源高渗透率电网的次/超同步振荡扰动源定位研究,四川省科技厅应用基础面上项目,主持,2020.1-2021.12

[5] “科创中国”清洁能源创新基地示范项目,中国科学技术协会科学技术创新部,主持,2023.1-2023.12

[6] 量测数据驱动的宽频振荡溯源方法研究,中国电机工程学会青年人才托举项目,主持,2020.1-2022.12


[7] 基于次/超同步功率量测的风电系统次同步振荡扰动源定位,四川大学人才引进经费,2019.1-2022.12

[8] 高比例可再生能源配用电系统电能质量智能感知与协同控制技术,国家重点研发计划,任务负责,2023.11-2026.12

[9] 冬奥赛区100%清洁电力高可靠供应关键技术研究及示范,国家重点研发计划,参与,2020.10-2022.12


[1]   y. liu, j. zhang, y. liu, m. yang, s. chen, l. zhou and y. wang*, "an improved neural lyapunov method for transient stability assessment of networked microgrids," in ieee transactions on smart grid, early access.

[2] l. yao, y. wang*and x. xiao, "concentrated solar power plant modeling for power system studies," in ieee transactions on power systems, early access.

[3] m. yang, y. wang*, x. xiao and y. li, "a robust damping control for virtual synchronous generators based on energy reshaping," in ieee transactions on energy conversion, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 2146-2159, sept. 2023

[4] y. wang, h. ma, x. xiao, y. wang*, y. zhang and h. wang, "harmonic state estimation for distribution networks based on multi-measurement data," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 2311-2325, aug. 2023

[5] bo gao, y. wang*, wilsun xu, “an impedance matrix model of dfig for harmonic power flow analysis considering dc-link dynamics”, international journal of electrical power & energy systems, volume 148, 2023, 108895.

[6] y. wang, weisong min, miaomiao chao, yunfei liu, xiaomei yang, a data-driven method for ssci identification using synchrophasor measurements, international journal of electrical power & energy systems, volume 153, 2023, 109282

[7] y. wang, f. xia, y. wang and x. xiao, "harmonic transfer function based single-input single-output impedance modeling of lcchvdc systems," in journal of modern power systems and clean energy, early access, 2023

[8] x. yang, l. yang, x. xiao and y. wang*, "a novel detection method for supersynchronous resonance from synchrophasor data," in ieee transactions on power systems, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 3694-3706, july 2023

[9] y. wang*, p. chen, j. yong, w. xu, s. xu and k. liu, "a comprehensive investigation on the selection of high-pass harmonic filters," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 4212-4226, oct. 2022

[10] x. xiao, z. li, y. wang*, y. zhou and k. liu, "optimal power quality compensation of energy storage system in distribution networks based on unified multi-phase opf model," in ieee transactions on smart grid, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 1873-1887, may 2022

[11] s. xu, y. wang*, x. xiao, w. xu and y. wang, "adaptive dampingan improved resonance mitigation scheme for shunt capacitors," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 755-764, april 2022

[12] l. yao, x. xiao, y. wang*, x. yao and z. ma, “dynamic modeling and hierarchical control of a concentrated solar power plant with direct molten salt storage,” in energy, vol. 252, issue c, aug 2022

[13] j. ren, x. xiao, z. zheng, y. wang*, z. ma and k. liu, "impact of phase angle jump on dfig under lvrt conditions: challenges and recommendations," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 3701-3713, dec. 2021

[14] b. gao, y. wang* and w. xu, " an improved model of voltage source converters for power system harmonic studies," in ieee transactions on power delivery, 2021, early access

[15] y. wang, x. jiang, x. xie, x. yang and x. xiao*, "identifying sources of subsynchronous resonance using wide-area phasor measurements," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3242-3254, oct. 2021

[16] y. wang, h. yang, x. xie, x. yang and g. chen, "real-time subsynchronous control interaction monitoring using improved intrinsic time-scale decomposition," in journal of modern power systems and clean energy, 2022, early access

[17] b. gao, y. wang* and w. xu, "modeling voltage source converters for harmonic power flow studies," in ieee transactions on power delivery, 2020, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 3426-3437, dec. 2021

[18] l. yao, x. xiao, y. wang* and w. xu, "adaptive contactor - a new scheme to improve induction motor immunity to voltage sags," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 3360-3370, dec. 2021

[19] x. xiao, z. li, y. wang* and y. zhou, "a practical approach to assess harmonic distortions in residential distribution system," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 1418-1427, june 2021

[20] y. wang, x. wu, z. li, x. xiao, x. xie, y. wang, "vector-fitting-based quantitative ssci analysis for series-compensated wind power systems", in iet renewable power generation, vol. 14, no. 15, pp. 3023-3034, nov. 2020

[21] y. wang, s. xu, w. xu*, j. wu and x. xiao, "comparative studies on design methods for detuned c-type filter," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1725-1734, aug. 2020

[22] x. yang, j. zhang, x. xie, x. xiao, b. gao and y. wang*, "interpolated dft-based identification of sub-synchronous oscillation parameters using synchrophasor data," in ieee transactions on smart grid, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 2662-2675, may 2020

[23] y. ma, x. xiao, y. wang*, y. wang and z. zheng, "perceived utility of premium power by high-tech manufacturers," in journal of modern power systems and clean energy, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 287-295, mar. 2020

[24] y. ma, x. xiao, y. wang*, "identifying the root cause of power system disturbances based on waveform templates", in electric power systems research, vol. 180, pp: 1-13, mar. 2020

[25] b. gao, y. wang*, w. xu and g. yang, "identifying and ranking sources of ssr based on the concept of subsynchronous power," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 258-268, feb. 2020

[26] x. li, y. wang* and w. xu, "a new filtering scheme for hvdc terminals based on damped high-pass filter," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 2050-2057, oct. 2019

[27] y. wang*, w. xu and j. yong, "an adaptive threshold for robust system impedance estimation," in ieee transactions on power systems, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 3951-3953, sept. 2019

[28] i. papič*, d. matvoz, a. špelko, w. xu, y. wang, d. mueller, c. miller, p. f. ribeiro, r. langella, and a. testa, "a benchmark test system to evaluate methods of harmonic contribution determination," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 23-31, feb. 2019 (ieee-pes task force on harmonics modeling and simulation paper)

[29] y. wang and w. xu*, "a shared resonance damping scheme for multiple switchable capacitors," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 1973-1980, aug. 2018

[30] y. wang, w. xu*, j. yong and k. chen, "estimating harmonic impact of individual loads using harmonic phasor data", in international transactions on electrical energy systems, vol. 27, no. 10, oct. 2017

[31] y. wang*, j. yong, y. sun, w. xu and d. wong, "characteristics of harmonic distortions in residential distribution systems," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1495-1504, jun. 2017

[32] y. wang, w. xu*, y. w. li and t. hao, "high-frequency, half-wavelength power transmission scheme," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 279-284, feb. 2017

[33] y. wang, w. xu* and j. shen, "online tracking of transmission-line parameters using scada data," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 674-682, apr. 2016

[34] y. wang, h. e. mazin, w. xu* and b. huang, "estimating harmonic impact of individual loads using multiple linear regression analysis", in international transactions on electrical energy systems, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 809-824, apr. 2016

[35] y. wang and w. xu*, "algorithms and field experiences for estimating transmission line parameters based on fault record data," in iet generation, transmission & distribution, vol. 9, no. 13, pp. 1773-1781, oct. 2015


[1] 四川省高校教师教学创新大赛三等奖, 2023

[2] 四川大学第六届教师教学创新竞赛一等奖, 2023

[3] 四川省科学技术进步一等奖(排名第3),2022

[4] 中国电力科技创新一等奖(排名第1),2022

[5] 四川省天府峨眉计划2020

[6] 中国电机工程学会青年人才托举,2020

[7] 四川大学双百人才计划,2018

[8] ieee transactions on power delivery杰出审稿人,2018-2020

[9] 美国clayton griffin best student paper award2016










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