副教授 / 硕士生导师 博士生导师

2020.06~ 今 |
四川大学 |
副教授、博导(破格) |
刘天琪教授团队 |
2019.09~2020.05 |
四川大学 |
副教授/硕导 |
刘天琪教授团队 |
2018.05~2019.08 |
四川大学 |
副研究员/硕导(破格) |
刘天琪教授团队 |
2017.10~2018.10 |
丹麦奥尔堡大学 |
访问学者 |
合作导师:prof. zhe chen, ieee fellow |
2016.07~2018.04 |
四川大学 |
助理研究员/专职博后 |
合作导师:刘天琪教授 |
2012.09~2016.06 |
西南交通大学 |
博士 |
导师:丁荣军院士、冯晓云教授 |
2010.09~2012.06 |
西南交通大学 |
硕士 |
导师:冯晓云教授 |
2006.09~2010.06 |
西南交通大学 |
本科 |

[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“多端混合直流输电系统谐波不稳定研究(no.51977135)”,2020.01~2023.12,项目负责人;
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“高速列车级联h桥整流器主动安全控制与调制策略研究 (no.51707126)”,2018.01~2020.12,项目负责人;结题优秀
[3] 教育部产学合作协同育人项目“微电网半实物仿真实验课程建设项目(no.201902241009)”,2020.04~2021.04,项目负责人;
[4] 教育部产学合作协同育人项目“校企共建电力电子创新实训教学示范基地(no.201902111021)”,2020.04~2021.04,项目负责人;
[5] 国家重点研发计划项目“柔性直流电网故障电流抑制的基础理论研究(no.2018yfb0904600)”,2018.07~2021.06,子任务负责人;
[6] 国家重点研发计划项目“500kv高压直流断路器关键技术研究与示范(no.2017yfb0902400)”,2017.07~2020.06,子任务负责人;
[7] 四川省自然科学基金面上项目“具备高功率密度及自均压能力的并联子模块型级联h桥变流器关键技术研究(no.2023nsfsc0301)”,2023.01~2024.12,项目负责人
[8] 四川大学-遂宁市校市战略合作“揭榜挂帅”科技项目“基于绿色节能门窗的智能系统技术研发与应用(2021cdsn-19)”,2021-12~2024.11,项目负责人
[9] 四川大学专职博后研发基金“pwm变流器谐波定量分析及其抑制方法研究(no.2017scu12013)”,2017.08~2018.12,项目负责人
[10] 国家重点研发计划项目“高压大容量柔性直流电网关键技术研究与示范(no. 2016yfb0900900)”,2016.07~2020.06,参与;
[11] 国家自然科学青年基金项目“三电平电力牵引变流器网侧谐波抑制优化控制方法研究 (no.51207131)”,2013.01-2015.12,主研;结题优秀
[12] 国家自然科学面上基金项目“高速列车动态非线性负荷建模及基于特性优化的谐波谐振抑制研究 (no.51277153)”,2013.01-2016.12,主研
[13] 国家科技支撑计划子课题“二、三型车牵引传动系统优化控制策略仿真研究 (no.2009bag12a05-10)”,2009.01-2012.12,主研
[14] 四川省科技创新苗子工程项目“高压输电线除冰机器人(no.q024131102010108)”,2011.08~2012.08,主研
[1] 企业技术服务“gw 级大型新能源基地多场景运行特性分析与网源协调控制关键技术研究(0722-2023fe2995nmf)”2023.04~2024.06,项目负责人
[2] 国网科技项目“面向弱电网的大规模光伏直流汇集与外送一体化柔性变流器关键技术研究(no.sgsnky00kjjs2310021)”2023.04~2025.12,子任务负责人
[3] 国家重点实验室开放基金“mmc馈入弱受端交流系统的暂态稳定性分析与控制(no.22h1497)”,2022.12~2024.07,参与
[4] 企业技术服务“rtds仿真模型转换技术服务合同(no.22h1288)”,2022.11~2023.06,项目负责人
[5] 企业技术服务“新能源控制器仿真和试验能力提升技术服务(no.22h1318)”2022.11~2022.12,子任务负责人
[6] 企业技术服务“特高压直流输电系统谐波阻抗建模与交直流谐波交互影响机理研究(no.22h0895)”2022.08~2023.08,项目负责人
[7] 企业技术服务“电网换相型直流输电系统交直流混合谐振机理与抑制措施研究(no.21h1202)”,2021.11~2023.04,项目负责人
[8] 企业技术服务“直流馈入交流系统运行方式振荡风险预判研究(no.21h1203)”,2021.11~2023.04,项目负责人
[9] 企业技术服务“柔性直流电网阻抗模型和阻抗分析方法研究服务(no.20h1204)”,2020.12~2021.02,项目负责人
[10] 企业技术服务“变压器仿真模型及谐波传递特性研究(no.20h0681)”,2020.09~2022.06,项目负责人;
[11] 企业技术服务“三端混合直流交直流谐波相互影响研究(no.19h0707)”,2019.09~2022.08,项目负责人;
[12] 南网开放基金“基于rtds的常规直流主设备宽频模型研究技术服务(no.21h0493)”,2021.06~2021.12,项目负责人
[13] 国网科技项目“分布式同步发电系统主动稳定控制(no.20h0228)”,2020.01~2022.12,子任务负责人;
[14] 企业技术服务“井下谐波分析与漏电检测技术研究与应用(no.21h0420)”,2021.05~2022.04,项目负责人
[15] 企业技术服务“大规模新能源接入的多直流电网大功率宽频段阻抗实测装置研究(no.21h0434)”,2021.06~2022.12,主研

获直流电力优秀青年人物奖 (https://ee.scu.edu.cn/info/1026/7651.htm)
获四川大学好未来优秀学者奖 (https://ee.scu.edu.cn/info/1026/6100.htm)
作为通讯作者的论文在ieee cieec 2019国际学术会议和 acdc 2022上获得best paper award

中国电机工程学会高级会员、ieee member (no. 94445054);担任ieee pels china 会议工作委员会副主任委员、ieee pels 中国区会员发展委员会委员、ieee pes 直流电力系统技术委员会常务理事、中国电源学会青工委委员、中国机械工业教育协会电力电子与电力传动专业委员会委员、中国电力科学研究院有限公司期刊中心青年专家团团员、中国电工技术学会高校电气电子工程创新大赛组织委员会委员。
担任ieee trans. industrial electronics、ieee trans. power electronics、ieee trans. on industrial informatics、ieee trans. power delivery、ieee trans. on vehicular technology、ieee access、iet power electronics、iet generation transmission & distribution、iet smart grid、csee jpes、international transactions on electrical energy systems、international journal of electrical power & energy systems、中国电机工程学报、电力系统自动化、高电压技术、西安交通大学学报、电力系统保护与控制等学术期刊审稿人;获《高电压技术》、《电力系统自动化》、《电力自动化设备》优秀审稿人奖

———————————————————early access———————————————————
[1] w. yang, j. ma, r. sun, s. wang* and t. liu, "a spread frequency band control scheme for high power impedance measuring converter with chirp signal injection," in csee journal of power and energy systems, doi: 10.17775/cseejpes.2020.05950. (sci, if=6.014) (early access)
[2] y. dong, k. sun, j. wang,, s. wang., "a time-delay correction control strategy for hvdc frequency regulation service," in csee journal of power and energy systems, doi: 10.17775/cseejpes.2021.02770. (sci, if=6.014) (early access)
[3] 张英敏, 单鹏, 王顺亮*,等. 模块化多电平换流器交直流侧谐波传导特性研究. 电网技术, (ei,if=6.783) (early access)
[4] 常天宇,王顺亮*,张英敏,马俊鹏,张雨晗,刘天琪.基于分布参数的直流线路谐波电流放大特性[j/ol].高电压技术:1-11[2023-05-04].doi:10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20220951.(ei,if=4.169) (early access)
[5] 上官博洋,王顺亮*,马俊鹏,刘天琪,王佳林,何海林,彭光强.特高压直流输电系统中送端lcc换流站的电压平衡控制策略[j/ol].中国电机工程学报:1-15[2023-05-04]. (ei,if=6.176) (early access)
[6] 王顺亮*,王佳林,马俊鹏,赵远,刘天琪,上官博洋,彭光强.基于序分量映射的mmc单相化阻抗建模及稳定性分析[j/ol].电网技术:1-10[2023-05-04].doi:10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2022.0473. (ei,if=6.783) (early access)
[7] x. liao, s. wang*, n. jiao, r. zhang, j. ma and t. liu, "research on fault-tolerant control strategies of single-phase cascaded h-bridge rectifier," 18th international conference on ac and dc power transmission (acdc 2022), online conference, china, 2022, pp. 1686-1691, doi: 10.1049/icp.2022.1347. (early access)
[1] y. yang., j. ma., s. wang*. "dc-link voltages digital sampling for cascaded h-bridge rectifiers with single voltage sensor under loads unbalanced condition," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 7-11, jan. 2023, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2022.3166188. (sci, if=6.373)
[2] r. zhang, s. wang*, j. ma, p. wang, k. qin and t. liu, "capacitor voltage balancing for alternate arm converter based on conduction angle and zero-sequence voltage," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 3268-3280, march 2023, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2022.3218416. (sci, if=6.373)
[3] t. liu, p. wang, j. ma*, r zhang, s. wang., "presynchronization control for grid-connected inverters without grid voltage sensors," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 2833-2838, march 2023, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2022.3221072. (sci, if=6.373)
[4] n. jiao, s. wang*, j. ma, t. liu and d. zhou, "sideband harmonic suppression analysis based on vector diagrams for chb inverters under unbalanced operation," in ieee transactions on industrial electronics, doi: 10.1109/tie.2023.3247797. (sci, if=8.162)
[5] k. qin, s. wang*, j. ma, j. shu, r. zhang and t. liu, "thyristor-based dccb with reliable fast reclosing protection ability by restoring capacitor polarity," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 7760-7770, june 2023, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2023.3250093. (sci, if=6.373)
[6] j. ma, w. wang, s. wang*, t. liu and j. zhao, "bidirectional power balance control of serial voltage injection converter for impedance measurement of grid-connected inverter," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 7069-7078, june 2023, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2023.3258632. (sci, if=6.373)
[7] 徐瑞廷, 王顺亮*, 刘小林,等. 单极性spwm逆变器并联环流分析与抑制[j]. 电源学报, 2023, 21(1):10. (核心, if=1.547)
[8] yuhan zhang, shunliang wang*, tianqi liu, a waveform-similarity-based protection scheme for the vsc-hvdc transmission lines, international journal of electrical power & energy systems, volume 144, 2023, 108571, issn 0142-0615
[9] yuhan zhang, shunliang wang*, tianqi liu, xiaopeng li, hoay beng gooi, amer m.y.m. ghias, ruiting xu, tianyu chang, a backup protection scheme for the transmission lines based on the directional traveling wave and waveform similarity, international journal of electrical power & energy systems, volume 147, 2023, 108864, issn 0142-0615
[10] tianqi liu, yuhan zhang, shunliang wang*, xiaopeng li, hoay beng gooi, amer m.y.m ghias, fault identification and fault location methods for vsc-hvdc transmission lines based on the traveling waveform difference, international journal of electrical power & energy systems, volume 147, 2023, 108867, issn 0142-0615
[11] peng maolan, liu hang, feng lei, huang dachao, zhao yuan, xie yang, wang shunliang*, ma junpeng "modeling of 12-pulse lcc converter station based on harmonic state space theory,"conference proceedings of 2022 2nd international joint conferenceon energy,electrical and power engineering
[12] peng maolan, feng lei,huang dachao, liu hang, yan xilin, liao fangqun, zhou shiding, wang shunliang*. "research on resonance problem of dc feed in ac system,"conference proceedings of 2022 2nd international joint conferenceon energy,electrical and power engineering
[13] maolan p, lei f, hang l, dachao h, daizhong c, shunliang w*, junpeng m. "a modeling method for dc side simplified impedance of line commutated converter based on simplified switching function,"conference proceedings of 2022 2nd international joint conferenceon energy,electrical and power engineering
[14] 李明,王顺亮*,秦科军,马俊鹏,刘天琪. 考虑杂散电感和半导体器件特性的直流断路器暂态过程研究. 中国电机工程学会直流输电与电力电子专业委员会2022年学术年会, 2022.(优秀论文二等奖)
[1] 王顺亮*,谢洋,马俊鹏,刘天琪,李小鹏,曾雪洋. 基于直流电流控制的特高压直流分层接入系统协调控制策略[j]. 电力系统保护与控制, 2022, 50(19):167-178. (ei期刊, if=6.355)
[2] 冯麟,马俊鹏*,王顺亮,黄河,刘天琪,吴子豪,王若谷。考虑采样过程的换流器混杂宽频导纳模型[j].中国电机工程学报,2022,42(16):6017-6027 6176.doi:10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.211127. (ei期刊, if=6.176)
[3] 曾雪洋, 张纯, 王顺亮*,等. 基于减载系数变化的风电机组一次调频控制[j]. 电力自动化设备, 2022, 42(8):8. (ei期刊, if=4.761)
[4] 毛光亮, 彭乔, 舒稷, ,等. mmc-hvdc直流侧阻抗模型简化方法[j]. 电力自动化设备, 2022(008):042. (ei期刊, if=4.761)
[5] xiang chen, junpeng ma, shunliang wang*, tianqi liu, dong liu, and tianyu zhu. "an accurate impedance model of line commutated converter with variable commutation overlap," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 562-572, feb. 2022, doi: 10.1109/tpwrd.2021.3064985. (sci, if=4.825)
[6] k. qin, s. wang*, j. ma, j. shu, j. zhou and t. liu, "a new thyristor-based dc circuit breaker using diode clamping switching," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 8773-8779, aug. 2022, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2022.3156121. (sci, if=5.967)
[7] n. jiao, s. wang*, j. ma, x. chen, t. liu, d. zhou, y. yang, "the closed-loop sideband harmonic suppression for chb inverter with unbalanced operation," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 5333-5341, may 2022, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2021.3132888. (sci, if=5.967)
[8] s. wang, y. zhao, j. ma*, t. liu, z. wu and r. wang, "accurate ltp model and stability analysis of the second-order generalized integrator-based single-phase phase-locked loop," in ieee transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 6225-6235, june 2022, doi: 10.1109/tie.2021.3090699. (sci, if=8.236)
[9] s. wang, j. zhou, j. shu, j. ma, k. qin and t. liu, "a bidirectional active dc fault current limiter based on coupled inductor," in ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 4427-4437, oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/tpwrd.2022.3170417. (sci, if=4.825)
[10] 董靓靓, 王顺亮, 马俊鹏,等. 基于lm法的换流站关键设备宽频建模方法研究[j]. 智慧电力, 2022, 50(2):9-14. 北大核心, if=5.046)
[11] x. du, j. meng*, y. zhang, x. huang, s. wang, p. liu, t. liu, “an information appraisal procedure endows reliable online parameter identification to lithium-ion battery model” in ieee transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 5889-5899, june 2022, doi: 10.1109/tie.2021.3091920. (sci, if=8.236)
[12] qin jiang; xueyang zeng; baohong li*; shunliang wang; tianqi liu; zhe chen; tengxin wang; min zhang "time-sharing frequency coordinated control strategy for pmsg-based wind turbine," in ieee journal on emerging and selected topics in circuits and systems, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 268-278, march 2022, doi: 10.1109/jetcas.2022.3152796. (sci,if=5.877)
[13] 何海林, 史华勃, 王顺亮*,等. 用于大规模机电-电磁暂态仿真模型自动转化的分层布局方法[j]. 中国电力, 2022(009):055. (ei,if=3.326)
[14] 马俊鹏, 孙瑞婷, 程松, 吴子豪, 王若谷, 王辰曦, 王顺亮*, 刘天琪. 一种极弱电网下并网逆变器正交功率同步控制方法[j]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(23):11. (ei期刊, if=6.176)
[15] 杨文莉,马俊鹏*,孙瑞婷,王顺亮,赵静波,刘天琪. 基于扰动电压定向的自适应电流源侵入式序阻抗测量[j]. 电力自动化设备, 2022, 42(12):122-128. (ei期刊, if=6.176)
[16] 周诗丁, 王顺亮, 张英敏,等. 电网不平衡下基于sogi的mmc环流抑制策略[j]. 工程科学与技术, 2023, 55(1):11. (核心,if=1.731)
[17] s. wang, j. zhou, j. shu, t. liu and j. ma, "reclosing current limiting for dc line faults in vsc-hvdc systems," in journal of modern power systems and clean energy, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1040-1049, july 2022, doi: 10.35833/mpce.2021.000253. (sci,if=4.469)
[18] g. peng, j. wu, j. he, l. dong, s. wang* and j. ma, "research on broadband modeling method of key equipment of converter station based on rtds," 2022 ieee international power electronics and application conference and exposition (peac), guangzhou,guangdong, china, 2022, pp. 1304-1307, doi: 10.1109/peac56338.2022.9959215.
[19] j. li, s. wang*, r. zhang, j. ma, x. liao and t. liu, "cascaded h-bridge converters with sensorless voltage balance through parallel branches," 2022 4th international conference on smart power & internet energy systems (spies), beijing, china, 2022, pp. 798-802, doi: 10.1109/spies55999.2022.10081975.
[1] r. sun, j. ma*, w. yang, s. wang and t. liu, "transient synchronization stability control for lvrt with power angle estimation," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 10981-10985, oct. 2021, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2021.3070380. (sci, if=6.373)
[2] s. wang, n. jiao*, j. ma, t. liu, and x. liu, “analysis and optimization of voltage balancing control limits for cascaded h-bridge rectifiers,” in ieee transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 10677-10687, nov. 2021, doi: 10.1109/tie.2020.3032874. (sci, if=8.236)
[3] n. jiao, s. wang*, j. ma and t. liu, "influencing factors of harmonic coupling in modular multilevel converter" in ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1-4, nov. 2021. doi: 10.1109/tasc.2021.3107820. (sci, if=1.692)
[4] n. jiao, s. wang*, j. ma and t. liu, "quantitative analysis of harmonic transfer for modular multilevel converter," in ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 4739-4749, aug. 2021, doi: 10.1109/jestpe.2020.3022696. (sci, if=4.472)
[5] yuhan zhang, shunliang wang*, tianqi liu, shu zhang, and qingyuan lu, a traveling-wave-based protection scheme for the bipolar voltage source converter based high voltage direct current (vsc-hvdc) transmission lines in renewable energy integration [j]. energy, vol. 216, pp. 1-11, feb. 2021. (sci, if=7.147)
[6] j. shu, j. ma*, s. wang, y. dong, t. liu and z. he, "a new active thyristor-based dccb with reliable opening process," in ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 3617-3621, april 2021, doi: 10.1109/tpel.2020.3026369. (sci, if=6.373)
[7] j. shu, t. liu and s. wang*, "a novel integrated dccb for multiterminal dc grid," 2021 ieee 12th energy conversion congress & exposition - asia (ecce-asia), 2021, pp. 1213-1218.
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[1] 王顺亮,宋文胜,冯晓云.基于电压补偿分量注入的单相级联h桥整流器载波调制与电容电压平衡方法[j].中国电机工程学报,2015, 35(12): 3117-3123. (ei)
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[3] 马俊鹏,宋文胜,王顺亮,冯晓云.单相三电平脉冲整流器无差拍预测直接功率控制[j].中国电机工程学报,2015,35(4):935-943.(ei)
[4] 张杰,宋文胜,王顺亮,王雨琦.一种动车组网侧变流器的动态性能优化控制算法[j].电工技术学报,2015.30(18):52-60.(ei)
[5] 周伟,韩坤,王顺亮,冯晓云.一种消除窄脉冲的三电平粒子群优化pwm方法[j].电力电子技术,2015.49(3):22-24.(cscd)
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[2] 吴瑕杰,王顺亮,宋文胜,方辉,冯晓云.基于fpga的三电平空间矢量脉宽调制算法半实物实验方案[j].电力系统自动化,2014,38(3):78-82.(ei)
[3] 江才,宋文胜,王顺亮,韩坤,冯晓云.一种三电平中性点钳位逆变器中点电位控制算法[j].电力系统自动化,2014,38(7):88-94.(ei)
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