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日期:2020年05月06日     作者:     来源:      点击:[]










1. 2001-2005,四川大学电气信息学院,电气工程及其自动化专业,学士

2. 2005-2006brunel university, school of engineering and design, data communication systems, 硕士

3. 2006-2011brunel university, school of engineering and design, high-performance information retrieval, 博士


1. 2006-2011,助教,school of engineering and design, brunel university

2. 2012至今,教师,电气信息学院,四川大学


1. 自动控制原理(

2. 计算机网络与通信



1. 高比例可再生能源、储能优化配置等

2. 综合能源系统规划、运行及综合服务

3. 基于高性能计算的精细化负荷分析


1. 雅砻江流域电站运行方式决策支持系统

2. 结构化数据高性能辨识算法研究

3. 基于弹性分布式语义分析与模糊识别技术的智能电力应急指挥系统








1. 许立雄, 刘俊勇, 刘洋,. 电力网络结构特性分析[j]四川大学学报(工程科学版)2014(s2):133-139.

2. 刘友波, 刘洋, 刘俊勇,. 基于hadoop架构的电力系统连锁故障分布式计算技术[j]电力系统自动化2016, 40(7):90-97.

3. 许立雄, 刘俊勇, 刘洋,. 基于负荷电流场的电网分区方法[j]电网技术2015, 39(4):1039-1044.

4. 许立雄, 刘俊勇, 刘洋,. 节点重要度的分类综合评估[j]中国电机工程学报2014, 34(10):1609-1617.

5. 刘洋,刘洋,许立雄,适用于海量负荷数据分类的高性能反向传播神经网络算法[j],电力系统自动化,vol. 21, pp: 96-105, 2018.

6. 朱嘉远,刘洋,许立雄等,风电全消纳下的配电网储能可调鲁棒优化配置[j],电网技术vol. 6, pp: 1875-1883, 2018.

7. 刘洋,刘洋,许立雄,计及数据类别不平衡的海量用户负荷典型特征高性能提取方法[j],中国电机工程学报, vol. 14, pp: 4093-4104, 2019.

8. 朱嘉远,刘洋,许立雄等,考虑风电消纳的热电联供型微网日前鲁棒经济调度[j],电力系统自动化,vol. 4, pp: 40-51, 2019.

9. 李想,王鹏,刘洋,许立雄,考虑类别不平衡的海量负荷用电模式辨识方法[j],中国电机工程学报, vol. 1, pp: 128-137 380, 2020.


1. yang liu, xiang li, xianbang chen, xi wang, and huaqiang li, high-performance machine learning for large-scale data classification considering class imbalance, scientific programming, doi: 10.1155/2020/1953461, 2020.

2. yang liu, xianbang chen, bin li, huaqiang li, and yanli ye, wks-type distributionally robust optimisation for optimal sub-hourly look-ahead economic dispatch, iet generation transmission & distribution, doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2019.1344, 2019.

3. yang liu, xianbang chen, lixiong xu, huaqiang li, and maozhen li, a resource aware parallelized back propagation neural network in enabling efficient large-scale digital health data processing, ieee access, pp(99):1-1, doi: 10.1109/access.2019.2935691, 2019.

4. xianbang chen, yang liu, yang liu, and bin li, adjustable robust optimization in enabling optimal day-ahead economic dispatch of cchp-mg considering uncertainties of wind-solar power and electric vehicle, journal of industrial and management optimization, 13(5), doi: 10.3934/jimo.2020038, 2020.

5. yang liu, yanli ye, xianbang chen, huaqiang li, and yuan huang, robust day-ahead dispatch for integrated power-heat-gas microgrid considering wind power uncertainty, mathematical problems in engineering, 2020(9):1-12, doi: 10.1155/2020/4215906, 2020.

6. peng wei and yang liu, the integration of wind-solar-hydropower generation in enabling economic robust dispatch, mathematical problems in engineering, 2019(13):1-12, doi: 10.1155/2019/4634131, 2019.

7. xiaodong shen, yang liu, and yan liu, a multistage solution approach for dynamic reactive power optimization based on interval uncertainty, mathematical problems in engineering, 2018(2):1-10, doi: 10.1155/2018/3854812, 2018.

8. xiangrong wang, hui wang, robert y. liang, and yang liu, a semi-supervised clustering-based approach for stratification identification using borehole and cone penetration test data, engineering geology, doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.11.014, 2018.

9. yang liu, chenxiao ma, lixiong xu, xiaodong shen, maozhen li, pengcheng li: mapreduce-based parallel gep algorithm for efficient function mining in big data applications. concurrency and computation practice and experience, doi:10.1002/cpe.4379, 2017.

10. lixiong xu, yuan huang, xiaodong shen, yang liu: parallelizing gene expression programming algorithm in enabling large-scale classification. scientific programming; 2017:1-10., doi:10.1155/2017/5081526, 2017.

11. yang liu, youbo liu, junyong liu, maozhen li, tingjian liu, gareth taylor, kunyu zuo: a mapreduce based high performance neural network in enabling fast stability assessment of power systems. mathematical problems in engineering; 2017:1-12., doi:10.1155/2017/4030146, 2017.

12. youbo liu, yang liu, junyong liu, maozhen li, zhibo ma, gareth taylor: high-performance predictor for critical unstable generators based on scalable parallelized neural networks. 4(3), doi:10.1007/s40565-016-0209-4, 2016.

13. yang liu, lixiong xu, maozhen li: the parallelization of back propagation neural network in mapreduce and spark. international journal of parallel programming, 45(4), doi:10.1007/s10766-016-0401-1, 2016.

14. yang liu, weizhe jing, lixiong xu: parallelizing backpropagation neural network using mapreduce and cascading model. computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2016(2):1-11., doi:10.1155/2016/2842780, 2016.

15. yang liu, weizhe jing, youbo liu, lin lv, man qi, yang xiang: a sliding window-based dynamic load balancing for heterogeneous hadoop clusters. concurrency and computation practice and experience, 29(3), doi:10.1002/cpe.3763, 2016.

16. yang liu, jie yang, yuan huang, lixiong xu, siguang li, man qi: mapreduce based parallel neural networks in enabling large scale machine learning. computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2015(2):1-13, doi:10.1155/2015/297672, 2016.

17. wenming guo, nasullah khalid alham, yang liu, maozhen li, man qi: a resource aware mapreduce based parallel svm for large scale image classifications. neural processing letters, 44(1), doi:10.1007/s11063-015-9472-z, 2016.

18. chuang deng, yang liu, lixiong xu, jie yang, junyong liu, siguang li, maozhen li: a mapreduce-based parallel k-means clustering for large-scale cim data verification. concurrency and computation practice and experience, 28(11)., doi:10.1002/cpe.3580, 2015.

19. yang liu, maozhen li, mukhtaj khan, man qi: a mapreduce based distributed lsi for scalable information retrieval. computing and informatics, 33(2), 2014.

20. nasullah khalid alham, maozhen li, yang liu, man qi: a mapreduce-based distributed svm ensemble for scalable image classification and annotation. computers & mathematics with applications, 66(10):1920-1934, doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2013.07.015, 2013.

21. godwin caruana, maozhen li, yang liu: an ontology enhanced parallel svm for scalable spam filter training. neurocomputing, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2012.12.001, 2013.

22. yang liu, maozhen li, nasullah khalid alham, suhel hammoud: hsim: a mapreduce simulator in enabling cloud computing. future generation computer systems, 29(1), doi:10.1016/j.future.2011.05.007, 2013.

23 nasullah khalid alham, maozhen li, yang liu, suhel hammoud: a mapreduce-based distributed svm algorithm for automatic image annotation. computers & mathematics with applications, 62(7):2801-2811, doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2011.07.046, 2011.

24. xiangyu liu, maozhen li, yang liu, man qi: obire: ontology based bibliographic information retrieval in p2p networks. doi:10.4018/jdst.2010100105, 2010.





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