宁文军 副研究员/博士生导师
email: ningwj@scu.edu.cn
2020 - 今, 四川大学电气工程学院,副研究员
2018-2019,美国密歇根大学,访问学者(mark j. kushner课题组)
a. 大气压冷等离子体(appj、dbd)的产生与调控机制;
b. 冷等离子体与复杂界面的相互作用基础研究;
c. 冷等离子体皮肤处理与医美应用;
d. 等离子体材料处理与表面改性;
a. 高温气冷堆主氦风机驱动电机的超高气压氦气绝缘;
b. 高海拔复杂环境中大型水力发电机定子绕组绝缘;
c. 电机绕组电晕防治技术;
a. 配网线路树线高阻接地故障定位和防治
b. 树线放电故障特征识别
c. 初期小面积山火的高效识别
[1] ning wj, shang h, shen xm, shen sk, huang xl, zhao lh, jia sl, numerical investigation on the discharge formation in micrometer pores in structured catalyst irradiated by a helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet, plasma sources science and technology, 33(02):025004, 2024(冷等离子体顶刊)
[2] kong xh, li ss, li hy, yang wm, yang dz, ning wj* and wang rx*. distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane, plasma sources science and technology, 32(10):105004, 2023(冷等离子体顶刊)
[3] kong xh, li hy, yang wm, li ss, yang dz, ning wj* and wang rx*. atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing, applied physics letters, 122(8):084101, 2023(应用物理顶刊)
[4] kong xh, xue s, li hy, yang wm, martynovich ef, ning wj* and wang rx*,simulation study on an atmosphere pressure plasma jet interacting with single fibre: effects of fibre's permittivity,plasma sources science and technology, 31(9):095010, 2022(冷等离子体顶刊)
[5] ning wj, shang h, ji yw, li rh, zhao lh, huang xl, jia sl. global model of plasma activated water over long time scale: pulsed discharge and afterglow, high voltage, 8(2):326, 2022
[6] huang xl, sun t, wu yz, yang sy, zhao lh, ning wj*, wang lj. study of vacuum arc plasma transport characteristics during the dc interrupting process. journal of physics d: applied physics, 55(16): 165501, 2022.
[7] ning wj, lai j, kruszelnicki j, foster j, dai d and kushner m. propagation of positive discharges in an air bubble having an embedded water droplet, plasma sources science and technology, 30(1): 015005, 2021. (冷等离子体顶刊)
[8] zhang yh(#), ning wj(#), dai d,wang q. manipulating the discharge pulse number in an atmospheric helium dielectric barrier discharge with multiple current pulses per half cycle. plasma sources science and technology, 28(10): 104001, 2019. (冷等离子体顶刊)
[9] zhang yh(#), ning wj(#), dai d,wang q.numerical study on the discharge pattern evolution in an atmospheric pressure helium dielectric barrier discharge under the variation of nitrogen admixture content. plasma sources science and technology, 28(7): 075003, 2019. (冷等离子体顶刊)
[10] wang q(#), ning wj(#), dai d,zhang yh. characteristics and mechanisms of transition from filament to homogeneous glow in atmospheric helium dielectric barrier discharges under variation of the applied voltage amplitude. journal of physics d: applied physics, 52(20): 205201, 2019.
[11] zhang yh(#), ning wj(#) and dai d. influence of nitrogen impurities on the performance of multiple-current-pulse behavior in a homogeneous helium dielectric-barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure. journal of physics d: applied physics, 52(4): 045203, 2019. (esi高被引论文)
[12] ning wj, dai d and zhang yh. inducing discharges in a micrometer catalyst channel by a helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet. applied physics letters, 114(5): 054104, 2019. (应用物理顶刊)
journal of physics d: applied physics 优秀审稿专家
中国电工技术学报、plasma science and technology客座编辑