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日期:2024年07月03日     作者:     来源:      点击:[]


彭乔 副研究员/硕士生导师






· 2022.05至今  四川大学,电气工程学院,副研究员,电力系统稳定与高压直流输电团队,合作导师:刘天琪教授

· 2020.12-2022.09   四川大学,电气工程学院,助理研究员,电力系统稳定与高压直流输电团队,合作导师:刘天琪教授

· 2018.05-2020.12 丹麦奥尔堡大学,能源技术系,博士,导师:yongheng yanghuai wangfrede blaabjerg

· 2015.09-2018.04 四川大学,电气信息学院,硕博连读,导师:刘天琪教授

· 2011.09-2015.06 四川大学,电气信息学院,本科











3)丹麦velux基金会,villum investigator grant, reliable power electronic based power systems2017.08-2023.12,参与




1)ieee pes中国区电力系统保护控制技术委员会电网运行控制技术分委会,理事



4)eprime期刊,associate editor

5)energies期刊, special issue "grid-forming technologies for renewable energy integration", guest editor

6)batteries期刊, special issue "advanced lithium-ion battery management in renewable energy systems", guest editor

7)cpss transactions on power electronics and applications期刊, special issue on safety and reliability of power electronics components and systems, 2023, guest associate editor

8)electronics期刊, special issue "power-electronic-based smart grid and its control technology", guest editor





· z. peng, q. peng (corresponding author), y. zhang, h. han, y. yin, and t. liu, “online inertia allocation for grid-connected renewable energy systems based on generic asf model under frequency nadir constraint,” ieee transactions on power systems, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1615–1627, jan. 2024.

· t. liu, x. wan, q. peng (corresponding author), x. zeng, y. li, and j. meng, “dual-mode fast frequency control of pv systems with inertia emulation from dc-link capacitor considering voltage restoration,” csee journal of power and energy systems, early access, 2024, doi: 10.17775/cseejpes.2022.08470.

· t. liu, y. dai, q. peng (corresponding author), x. zeng, g. chen, and j. meng, “inertia emulation-oriented evaluation method of sustaining power boundary for lithium-ion battery energy storage system,” ieee transactions on energy conversion, early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/tec.2024.3382215.

· t. liu, x. chen, q. peng (corresponding author), j. peng, and j. meng, “an enhanced sorting method for retired battery with feature selection and multiple clustering,” journal of energy storage, vol. 87, p. 111422, may 2024.

· t. liu, p. wang, q. peng (corresponding author), m. zhang, t. wang, and j. meng, “operation-area-constrained adaptive primary frequency support strategy for electric  vehicle clusters,” journal of modern power systems and clean energy, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1982–1994, nov. 2023.

· y. zhang, w. zhang, q. peng (corresponding author), b. li, y. tao, m. zhang, t. liu, and f. blaabjerg, “impact of grid topology on pole-to-ground fault current in bipolar dc grids: mechanism and evaluation,” journal of modern power systems and clean energy, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 434-445, mar. 2023.

· q. peng, z. tang, y. yang, t. liu, and f. blaabjerg, “event-triggering virtual inertia control of pv systems with power reserve,” ieee transactions on industry applications, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 4059–4070, jul. 2021.

· q. peng, j. fang, y. yang, t. liu, and f. blaabjerg, “maximum virtual inertia from dc-link capacitors considering system stability at voltage control timescale,” ieee journal on emerging and selected topics in circuits and systems, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 79–89, mar. 2021.

· q. peng, a. sangwongwanich, y. yang, and f. blaabjerg, “grid-friendly power control for smart photovoltaic systems,” solar energy, vol. 210, pp. 115–127, nov. 2020.

· q. peng, q. jiang, y. yang, t. liu, h. wang, and f. blaabjerg, “on the stability of power electronics-dominated systems: challenges and potential solutions,” ieee transactions on industry applications, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 7657–7670, nov. 2019.

· q. peng, t. liu, s. wang, y. qiu, x. li, and b. li, “determination of droop control coefficient of multi-terminal vsc-hvdc with system stability consideration,” iet renewable power generation, vol. 12, no. 13, pp. 1508–1515, oct. 2018.

· q. peng, y. yang, t. liu, and f. blaabjerg, “coordination of virtual inertia control and frequency damping in pv systems for optimal frequency support,” cpss transactions on power electronics and applications, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 305–316, dec. 2020.

· 辛悦, 彭乔 (通讯作者), 刘天琪, 印月, 韩华春, 王扬, 王祖峰, “基于周期性最大功率点检测的风电机组功率备用控制方法,” 电力自动化设备, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 103-109 116, feb. 2024.

· 代云腾, 彭乔 (通讯作者), 刘天琪, 曾雪洋, 陈刚, 李燕, 孟锦豪, “适应高电流倍率工况的锂离子电池等效电路模型,” 储能科学与技术, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 3528–3537, nov. 2023.

· 张英敏, 彭泽峰, 彭乔 (通讯作者), 李保宏, 张敏,王腾鑫, “预测新能源接入电网受扰后频率最低点的通用asf模型,” 电网技术, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1788-1799, may 2023.

· 毛光亮, 彭乔 (通讯作者), 舒稷, 等, “mmc-hvdc直流侧阻抗模型简化方法,” 电力自动化设备, vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 229-234, aug. 2022.

· 彭乔, 刘天琪, 张英敏, 等, “考虑功率裕度与系统稳定性的直流电网自适应下垂控制,” 中国电机工程学报, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 3498-3506, 2018.

· 彭乔, 刘天琪, 李保宏, 等, “基于误差最小化射影控制的降阶高压直流鲁棒控制器,” 电网技术, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 704-711, 2016.

· j. wang, j. meng, q. peng, t. liu, and j. peng, “an electrochemical-thermal coupling model for lithium-ion battery state-of-charge estimation with improve dual particle filter framework,” journal of energy storage, vol. 87, p. 111473, may 2024.

· y. liu, j. meng, f. yang, q. peng, j. peng, and t. liu, “a switchable indicator for active balance of the lithium-ion battery pack using a bypass equalizer,” journal of energy storage, vol. 68, p. 107696, sep. 2023.

· x. du, j. meng, j. peng, q. peng, j. wu, and m. lin, “a two-stage optimization framework for fast lithium-ion battery impedance measurement,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 5659–5664, may 2023.

· j. wang, j. meng, q. peng, t. liu, x. zeng, g. chen, and y. li, “lithium-ion battery state-of-charge estimation using electrochemical model with sensitive parameters adjustment,” batteries, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 180, mar. 2023.


· y. dai, j. meng, q. peng, t. liu, y. cai, and c. wu, “an overview of peak power benchmark methods for lithium-ion battery,” in proc. spies 2022, beijing, china, dec. 2022, pp. 1788–1793.

· p. wang, q. peng, j. meng, t. liu, y. dai, and t. wang, “operation area evaluation of electric vehicle under active grid support condition considering battery peak power,” in proc. ieee peac 2022, guangzhou, guangdong, china, nov. 2022, pp. 127–132.

· x. wan, q. peng, t. liu, and y. yang, “dual-mode frequency control of pv systems based on large disturbance identification,” in proc. acdc 2022, online conference, china, jul. 2022, pp. 1–6.

· y. yang, y. xiao, q. peng, f. blaabjerg, y. wu, and x. ji, “virtual energy storage operation for smart photovoltaic inverters,” in proc. ieee pedg 2022, kiel, germany, jun. 2022, pp. 1–6. 

· q. peng, z. tang, y. yang, and f. blaabjerg, “event-triggering power reserve control for grid-connected pv systems,” in proc. ieee apec 2020, new orleans, la, usa, mar. 2020, pp. 417–423.

· q. peng, y. yang, and f. blaabjerg, “state-space modeling of grid-connected power converters considering power-internal voltage characteristics,” in proc. icpe 2019 - ecce asia, busan, korea, may 2019, pp. 3047–3053.

· q. peng, j. fang, y. yang, and f. blaabjerg, “a universal model for grid-connected converters reflecting power-internal voltage characteristics,” in proc. spec 2018, singapore, dec. 2018, pp. 1–7.

· q. peng, y. yang, h. wang, and f. blaabjerg, “on power electronized power systems: challenges and solutions,” in proc. ieee ias annual meeting, portland, or, usa, sep. 2018, pp. 1–9.


· 彭乔,彭泽峰,张英敏等,基于平均系统频率模型的新能源系统在线惯性配置方法    

· 彭乔,王鹏宇,刘天琪等,一种考虑可控域约束的电动汽车一次调频控制方法

· 彭乔,毛光亮,刘天琪等,一种抑制故障电流的直流电网网架结构优化设计方法

· 彭乔,张文馨,张英敏等,一种直流电网拓扑对故障电流影响的评估方法

· 彭乔,彭泽峰,张英敏等,一种预测新能源接入电网频率最低点的通用建模方法

· 彭乔,万馨予,刘天琪等,基于大扰动区间识别的光伏系统双模式频率控制方法

· 彭乔,陈思危,刘天琪等,基于首波谷幅频特性拟合的直流电缆依频rlc建模方法

· 彭乔,万馨予,刘天琪等,计及直流电容参与的光伏系统双模式频率控制方法


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